Monday, May 6, 2024

 My conversation with an American Soldier

In March I had the privilege of attending a Woman's Conference in Atlanta, Ga where my daughter Jessica was being honored. It was a fabulous event which I chronicled through FB. On our plane trip from California to Atlanta I had the honor of sitting next to one of our wonderful American Soldier's.


Jared is a young man of 19 if I recall, from the Sacramento area. He had just enlisted and he was headed out to Georgia for Bootcamp. I believe that God ordains all of my steps so there was a reason why He put Jessica and I next to this young man. 


After our get acquainted moments I asked Jared why he wanted to enlist in the Army, especially with all of the unrest around the world. What he said was simple but it still brings tears to my eyes as I write.

He said " To serve my country". 


Now of course that's what one would want to hear but he said it with such resoluteness that it stirred up within me feelings of pride and a longing to pull out an American Flag and sing God Bless America. 


Jared went on to say that no one back home understood. So he needed to make this decision on his own. He was leaving behind a new girlfriend, but he knew what he needed to do. He also admitted he could use some discipline in his life and knew he would get it in the Army. I began to tell him how proud I was of him and the great sacrifice he was willing to make.


Jared had met a fellow soldier who was also on the plane headed to Bootcamp. He was sitting in front of us so we didn't get to talk with him much. We had the honor of buying both men a meal on board which they were thrilled to receive. 


I began to talk with Jared about his faith. He is a Christian but hadn't really been pursuing his walk. I began to encourage and exhort him to press into his walk with Christ. I told him that it was his faith that would get him through. I told him that there will be a lot of things that he will be a part of that he won't always understand and that he will be tested but that Jesus will help him through. I emphasized the need for him to get a Bible and begin to study God's Word and to go to church, when he could. He was my captive audience, no doubt, but he truly seemed to be listening and responding. I could see faith and strength begin to well up within him.


I brought along a book I've been reading by Nick Vujicic entitled Life Without Limits. Nick is a young man who was born without arms and legs and is a traveling inspirational speaker. God is doing mighty things in his life. I felt led to share it with Jared. He looked at the pictures of Nick and was amazed. He then began to read some of the book on Nick's faith and how he doesn't let obstacles stand in his way from doing what he is called to do. Nick stresses his courage and abilities to achieve on his relationship with Christ.


We talked some more and then he pulled out a folded up worn piece of white notebook paper. He slumped over and began to study it intently. He sat back and told me that he had to memorize the Soldiers Creed along with some other things. He confessed that he was really struggling. Jared continued to study and I went off to the restroom. I asked the Lord how can I help this young man learn what he needs to learn. I got my answer and went back. I told Jared it might help for him to write and re-write out the words. Jessica had paper which she gladly handed over and he began to write.


I asked Jared if I could read what he was writing. As I did I began to weep. The words are so powerful, filled with declarations and commitment. As I read them I thought of this young man and all of the others who put their lives on the line everyday for me. I was filled with so much emotion. I began to think of  all those men and women so young responding to the call to Serve their country. Pride welled up within me. I took his paper and wrote them out for myself so I could sit and ponder their depth and meaning.


Here are the words of the Soldiers Creed


I am an American Soldier.

I am a Warrior and a member of a team.

I serve the people of the United States, and live the Army Values.

I will always place the mission first.

I will never accept defeat.

I will never quit.

I will never leave a fallen comrade.

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills.

I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself.

I am an expert and I am a professional.

I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy, the enemies of the United States of America in close combat.

I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.

I am an American Soldier.


As our flight was coming to an end I asked Jared to write me and let me know how things were going and if he needed anything. I prayed for him and we said good bye. Later I thought I should have taken his picture.

I saw him and his buddy a bit later in the airport and just missed the opportunity again to take his picture. The thought kept lingering in my brain though. We proceed through this very long airport to get our luggage. There were some great sculptures and I stopped to get a picture. As I pulled out my iPhone for the shots, up walks Jared and his buddy! The Lord REALLY wanted me to get his picture. I was thrilled for the opportunity and grabbed it. Jared is the young man on the left.



Last week I received my first letter from Jared. Here are a few lines that he wrote:


Dear Pam,


It was really nice to meet you on the flight to Georgia. You were very graceful and I needed that. Inside I was stressful on the plane but you helped me to relax...

He goes on to say that he has already been assigned as a squad leader and made responsible for 12 others, with helping them organize and get things done. He said it's a tough job mainly because some of the soldiers don't care about being there and they have a lot of bad attitudes.

He said he's been going to church every Sunday, which has been nice. It's a nice way to get away from the Drill Sergeants for awhile and get guidance from God. He said some people just sleep but hopefully they'll eventually look to God for guidance too.


He wrote this letter to me on Easter, after church.


Please join me in praying for Jared and all of our men and women around the world serving our country. Like Jared they responded to the call. They may not all want to be there but they are, for us!


God only knows what our future holds but for me I sleep just a little bit better knowing that there are people like Jared out there keeping a watchful eye out  as  "a guardian of freedom and the American way of life."


Ps.. Don't be afraid to step out and speak to someone. You may have those few words or that tender touch that God might want to use to calm fears raging in another. We're in this life together. Let's act like it.

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