Sunday, April 28, 2013

Where is your Tennis Ball?

This is a true story about a woman (me), her dog, her family and an adventure with her God.

Trusting God to provide has been one of the biggest areas of trial for me and yet I have seen Him do it time and time again! He seems to especially like to use the little things to help increase my faith and remind me He is with me. 

I work for a well known Tech company in Silicon Valley. This job involves a lot of hours. I have a husband, adult son and daughter, son in-law, 6 grandkids, involved in ministry in my local church. I have a loving sister, extended family and 1 dog. I was diagnosed with MS and Fibromyalgia 20 years ago. I try to balance my time between all of these various lovely folks, health, ministry and commitments. 

One of the things that often gets overlooked is exercising my dog. One day I was lounging on the couch for a bit, I looked over at my dog and thought, I wonder where the tennis ball is? I was thinking that would be a great way to exercise him, along with spending some quality time together.

My mind was quickly turned to something else so I did not go and look for a tennis ball and needless to say the dog didn't get that special attention.

A few weeks later I had taken time off work to attended a wonderful Joyce Meyer conference. I was focused on Jesus and eager to listen for His voice because I was less distracted by my obligations.

My mother in law had flown down from Oregon to go with me, which was wonderful! After a nice visit I dropped her off at the airport. It was a warm, sunny day so I decided to put the top down on my convertible and go for a drive through the mountains.

Earlier, that day, I was speaking with my son who is a very gifted musician. He was at a cross roads in his life. He had made a decision to serve God in full time Worship Ministry but was unclear in what direction. He had several opportunities and he wanted my opinion on what to do next. We talked about being open to the Spirit of God to lead and direct him.

While beginning my drive through the mountains I asked the Lord to lead and direct me to where He wanted me to go. I had my praise music on loud and was worshipping Him while enjoying the beauty around me. 

He led me to our local mountain range which is filled with streams, Wineries and some beautiful views of the valley. With a feeling of great expectation of what God had in store for me, I felt prompted to go up a road I hadn't traveled for a while. I went about half way up the mountain and pulled over. I looked out over the edge to see the beauty below. I looked around and appreciated the scenery but soon felt led to turn around and go back down the hill. 

I did not feel I had gone the wrong way, I felt as though it was part of the journey and it was time to move on. I went down the road and on to a familiar route through the mountains. I stopped at a picnic ground by the reservoir. While overlooking the water, I worshipped and thanked the Lord for His faithfulness and then returned to my car and continued down the road. He and I were on this path together. I remained open to His leading.

Next I came to a dead end and had a choice, I could take the road that would lead me home or continue on. I chose to continue on. The music had me in tears several times as I was just in awe of His love and willingness to hang out with me and take me for a drive. 

Heading down the road I came up on a well known local Winery. I knew that they had performances there as well as dining. I had heard it was lovely and the gate was open. 
I thought it a bit odd, just for a moment, that in my travel with the Lord I had a desire to go to a Winery but I put that aside and moved through the gate.

I pulled up to the large, practically deserted parking lot and picked a spot to park which was  quite a ways from the entrance. I thought this a bit strange that hardly anyone was there but especially that I chose to park so far away, but I felt like walking. 

What's all of this got to do with a Tennis Ball, you might ask? Hold on almost there.

I strolled down the path looking to see if I was intruding on any activity. I saw a couple with their children strolling along as well so I decided if we were intruding we could all get in trouble together, so that was ok because I wouldn't be alone.

I split off from the family and walked and talked with the Lord while enjoying the beauty of the location and moments of solitude. I walked by a group of young people all dressed up sitting and laughing, obviously wrapping up some event that had just occurred. I asked if it was ok to walk around and they said sure. I continued on and found flowers on tables and champagne bottles set aside, as the remnants of a party. Now I understood why I was able to roam freely, they were waiting to close things down. 

I continued my stroll but nothing really stuck out as a particular "God moment" just being with Him was enough. I had no feelings of dissatisfaction just a feeling of contentment with an underlying inkling that He was still leading me to something specific.

I decided it was time to go back to the car. While walking past the remaining people I asked if there had been a Wedding? They said yes and two were singled out as the Bride and Groom. I congratulated them and prayed God's Blessing on them. I said my goodbye and left. Was that it? Was that what I was being led on this journey to do? It felt good as I was in a place of God's love and joy and was able to share that with others.

As I walked to my car I felt a little sad as I knew our journey was coming to an end and didn't really have that life changing moment with Jesus but I rejoiced in our afternoon together. 

As I approached the car my eyes were drawn to the ground below. There lying on the ground was a new Tennis Ball a few feet by the drivers side of my car. I looked around and didn't see any Tennis courts or anyone in sight. I began to laugh while being amazed at His goodness. I thanked Him for the ball and got in my car. I was quickly reminded of my thoughts about my dog and the desire to grab a tennis ball. I began to see the purpose of the journey. 

He was showing me that He is faithful and will meet my needs and desires in ways that I most likely would not expect. That Tennis Ball was a sign of His provision. It wasn't that I couldn't afford a tennis ball it was a declaration that He was aware of my desires and if I will be open to His leading He will fulfill the longings of my heart.

I was also made aware of the timing of the journey. The leading here and there, the stops along the way. Those moments of beauty and reflection were not wasted. They were part of the path, not only to reveal His Love a bit more each step of the way but also to pace the time to reach the provision.

You see, The Tennis Ball was not there when I got out of the car to go into the Winery. I found it after I continued to follow His lead. He was directing me as I continued to walk by faith while stopping to share His goodness with others along the way. 

This spoke to me about being aware of the opportunities He brings my way. Of taking the time to be used by Him. Then I also realized that someone else at some point was used by God to leave that Tennis Ball right where I would find it. Unless of course it literally dropped down from the sky.

This declaration of provision and fulfillment with joy carried me home. Then I had a sense of urgency to go and share it with my son. He was sitting alone in his room just watching TV. 

I began to share with him what the Lord did for me that afternoon and that this revelation was not for me alone but for him as well. He needed to know that as He allows God to lead him and remains open to be used by Him, that the Lord would fulfill his deepest desires and provide what he needs when he needs it.

This reminder of God's faithfulness was not only an encouragement to me but has been used to continue to strengthen my faith. In a world of financial uncertainty coupled with the responsibilities of my job, my ministries, my health, minimal time with my children, grandchildren, family, friends and dog, God chose to reveal Himself to me through a Tennis Ball.

Where is your Tennis Ball? Is it hiding under a bush, on top of a building, in your home, places in the distance? He longs to lead you and meet your desires. He even stirs up the desires in you in the first place so that you would be on the path He has laid out for you to reveal Himself. This is not only to strengthen your faith but to share His Love and Himself with others a long the way. Choose to walk in thanksgiving today and just see what He will do.

By the way, our dog loved The Tennis Ball. He jumped around filled with joy for a time of fellowship with me and finally some much needed exercise!

Monday, April 8, 2013

4 days turns into 6 months- Thousands healed and saved- and I was there!

When I was a new believer I was blessed to attend a church where a revival broke out in San Jose, California at Calvary Community Church. It was the Mario Murillo Crusade back in the early 80's. It was a crusade that was intended for 4 days and lasted 6 months, an estimated 250,000 people attended. It was incredible, night after night- healing's, salvations, great teaching, worship, people clamoring in to hear the man of God.

Our faith was at the highest like the people in this picture. There was a buzz going on in the bay area. We'd float back to our day jobs with words of excitement and great anticipation about what God would do next. We were carrying the overflow of God's Spirit out to the workplace. It was such an Incredible time to be a New Believer. We had people coming and going from our cubicles where we were sharing the Word of God and inviting them to the Crusade.

What is stopping us from seeing that same mighty move of God today? I believe it's our unbelief and complacency. Overtime maybe things haven't happened the way we thought they should. Maybe God didn't answer our prayers the way we thought He would. So we've become disappointed and maybe even bitter. And/or we began to see success in our own efforts and hard work so we became self-suffiient and filled with pride. Maybe we've just had our heads down and solely focused on the task at hand, either way we've stopped the flow.

If our enemy, satan, can't stop us from accepting Jesus as our Lord  and Savior then his next tactic must be to stop us from sharing Him with others!

Don't forget there is a real battle going on and the enemy wants as many souls in hell as he can get while our Lord wants all to be saved.

Do you remember the mighty things God has done for you? Do you recall the joy you had when He first called your name or the way He was there just in the knick of time, the way He carried you through those trials? Our faith has dwindled by our pride, selfishness and things of this world and we need to get excited again about the things of God.

7 You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? Gal 5:7

4 For every child of God defeats this evil world by trusting Christ to give the victory. 5 And the ones who win this battle against the world are the ones who believe that Jesus is the Son of God. 
1 John 5:4-5

It's time brothers and sisters to say ENOUGH! If we want to see revival in our surroundings it must start with ourselves. Where do we being you might ask?

1- We must humble ourselves before the Great Creator, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Who snatched us from the pits of hell and consciously turn away from the lies of self sufficiency and doubt.

2- We MUST get back into God's Word and build up our faith.

3- We must get back into the safety and fellowship of other believers.

4- We must get back to church and Bible studies and invite others to join us.

5- We must put off our feelings of inadequacy in the things of God, step out in faith and just watch Him show up.

How can we see God move if we don't give Him the opportunity to do it?

Let's pull our heads up from our own paths and start looking around to see where God is moving. Let's open our eyes and look in the eyes of the people He is bringing us to reach for Him. There is a thirsty dry world of people out there who would give anything to just have a drop of the Living Water that lives within us.

8 There was a man in Lystra who couldn't walk. He sat there, crippled since the day of his birth. 9 He heard Paul talking, and Paul, looking him in the eye, saw that he was ripe for God's work, ready to believe. 10 So he said, loud enough for everyone to hear, "Up on your feet!" The man was up in a flash - jumped up and walked around as if he'd been walking all his life. Acts 14:8-10

37 Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Matt 9:37

Let's get excited about our God again! Let's join Him in His quest to save the world from hell. Let's believe that He is Who He says He is and He can do what He says He can do!

Dearest Lord-

Please forgive us for turning our backs on You. Forgive us for taking You for granted and letting unbelief and pride seep into our lives. Forgive us for focusing so much on the task at hand that we've taken our eyes off of You.

Thank You Lord for loving us so much that You eagerly reach out to take us by the hand once more, pull us up, dust us off, give us a hug and join us in our steps of faith. To You be all the Glory, the Honor and the Praise. In Jesus Name, Amen!