Recently I read about a little town in Norway Rjukan pop set 3500, which has been in darkness/shade for 6 months a year because of the mammoth mountain ranges around it that blocked the direct sun. One hundred years ago a man came up with an idea to install large mirrors at the peak of one of the mountains to reflect the light from the sun into the Town Square of Rjukan. Technology was not available for this visionary but now it is. The mirrors have been installed and now the people deep in the belly of darkness have been given light to offer enhanced life through out their winter days. Isn't that awesome!
This makes me think of what God has done for us all. Through mans sin, darkness filled the earth. He saw a way to get the light to us. He came in the form of man in Jesus Christ The SON to bring us His Light! By believing He is truly Who He says He is and receiving Him into our lives The Light not only shines in us and Lights our path but we now are filled with The Light and we reflect The Light from The Son wherever we walk.
Today, let's let His Light shine for all to see! Let His Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control beam through our lives into the darkness around us reflecting His Glorious Light.
6 For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 2 Corin 4:6