Mark 8:22-26 (NKJ)
22 Then He came to Bethsaida; and they brought a blind man to Him, and begged Him to touch him. 23 So He took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town. And when He had spit on his eyes and put His hands on him, He asked him if he saw anything. 24 And he looked up and said, "I see men like trees, walking." 25 Then He put His hands on his eyes again and made him look up. And he was restored and saw everyone clearly. 26 Then He sent him away to his house, saying, "Neither go into the town, nor tell anyone in the town."
There are so many interesting things to look at in this scripture, here are a couple:
• He took him by the hand and led him away
• He spit on his eyes
Are you willing to let God move however He sees fit in your life to bring about the change that is needed? Jesus healed in various ways. Why did He need to spit on the man's eyes? I don't know but I like the man's response. He didn't start complaining and become offended by God's approach, he received His touch and continued his dialogue with Jesus. He was willing to do whatever it took to receive from God all that He had for him.
We need to be honest and admit if we are not seeing clearly. Many of God’s children are walking around with a fogged, hazy outlook on the life God has brought them into. They went to Him once, received His touch, walked away and have proceeded through life bumping into things as they come across them. Many times hearts can be hardened because of our lack of understanding of what God is doing. If you don't understand what is going on around you and what you are suppose to do next, you should ask God to open your eyes completely to see all that you are intended to see.
God has given us so many things to help us see what’s really happening in our lives and who we really are. He has given us His Word, His Holy Spirit as our teacher, our church home, brothers and sisters in the Lord.... He is waiting.
• Jesus then laid hands on his eyes again and asked the man to look up
The man needed to respond to Jesus Voice as He prompted Him to look up. There is a surrender that happens when we finally are willing to look up at God. When we are willing to let go of doing things our way, laying them aside and look up as we say, Lord here I am in all of my vulnerabilities and all of my short comings. Here I am, open my eyes that I might see.
• he was restored and then he could see clearly
Through confession and admitting our life in not clearly in focus, we can be restored to who He intended us to be. However we must be willing to give ourselves completely over to Jesus. We must trust that He knows what it will take for us to walk in all of the promises He has for us.
Jesus may ask us to change somethings in our lives that could be blocking us from fully receiving all that He has for us. Do you really want to see clearly those areas in your life that may need to change? He has a whole world out there full of opportunities, full of unspeakable joy. It may be painful at first. It can be hard to see areas of ourselves that we thought were ok that we need to let go of, or repent from. But it is so worth it!
He has been dealing with me on my pride this year. It has not been easy to see all of the areas where I have let pride take over. As I am putting Him first and letting Him examine my life, the eyes of my heart are being opened to see who I really am and I have not liked what I've seen. But through confession and repentance I am changing because I have opened myself up to let Him touch me. I am asking Him to make me the woman of God He created me to be. I have a renewed confidence and joy in knowing that I am where He wants me to be and that He is not finished with me yet. He will continue to show me more of me to let go of so I can have more of Him in my life.
• Then He sent him away to his house
Finally we must be obedient to His direction. Jesus may ask us to separate ourselves from influences that have not been good for us. He may ask us to stop watching those movies or TV shows that are not good for us. He may ask us to cut off ties with those people who only bring us down. It's not because He doesn't want us to have fun in life. When you live your life His way your desires change and those things that meant so much before, that you thought you couldn't do without, are no longer even a consideration.
Jesus knows what it's going to take to keep us walking in the clarity He has given. He sees the bigger picture. Through our obedience to His prompting for change in our lives, our surrender to His will, our stepping out of our comfort zone He has the freedom to work miracles in our lives.
As the fog is lifted from our eyes we are able to see what is before us, to see all that He has provided to help us through our journey on earth. We can begin to move forward and avoid those stumbling blocks in our path that held us back before.
Do you want to walk in wholeness? Do you want to walk through life victoriously as an overcomer? Do you want to be healed from the inside out? It starts with letting Him take your hand.
Lord, please help me to always want to see things clearly. Help me to want to take Your hand and go away and spend time with You. Help me allow You the freedom to touch me however You see fit. Help me to be obedient to Your direction and leading. Help me Lord, to be willing to step up and do what You have called me to do. I give you my hand, take me and lead me. Have Your way oh God in my life today and always ~